Wednesday, August 31, 2005


The commissaries will be holding their “World Wide Case Lot Sales” in September. Reservists and their families are now entitled to unlimited access to the commissaries. If you have access to a computer you can see the items that will be on sale at Hill. Type in Under the heading “What's New” click on [The September world wide case lot sale is coming.] Then click the letter [H], then click [Hill AFB].
You will be on the site about the commissary and will be able to preview the sale by scrolling down.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

More News from Kuwait

More excerpts form Kuwait...

"I got new boots, helmet and goggles as well as a nice drive through the countryside. It amazes me that civilizations of men have been fighting over a piece of land this bleak and desolate for centuries. It is just like in the movies where you see nothing but sand and more sand. When we get up north we will have two man rooms. That will be nice maybe I will be able to sleep through the whole night. The Lt. told everyone that they all have to get up at once or be a lot quieter. Lt. and I went to the gym and worked out our legs and now neither of us can walk straight."

Newsletter for August

I was told that there will be no newsletter for August as they had no information to put out. They said that they will put out a large one in September that will include everything. Hopefully early in September.

Care Packages

On Saturday the 20th I took the items I had gathered for the soldiers to the Orbit location in Bountiful. I also took some that were gathered by another soldiers spouse. There were lots of things being donated. But not enough yet! So keep collecting and then contact Megan or Stormy to donate. They will be setting up a date in the future for us to get together and put the care packages together. This is the ship that they sent their equiptment out on before it left the states.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

News from Kuwait

My spouse sent me an E-mail from Kuwait. I will publish excerpts...

"Our first stop to refuel was in Maine. As we came down the runway into the airport we could hear a small group of people applauding. There were about 12 veterans including two older men in WWII hats. It was the middle of the night but these 80+ year old men had come out to honor us. I talked to one of them and he told me about chasing Rommel through the desert. It was like talking to living history."

"Our second stop to refuel was in Ireland. Ireland is a beautiful country. Everything is so green. No wonder we try in vain in Utah to keep our lawns green."

"When we started our decent into Kuwait it was-40 degrees at 30,000 feet. But as we went lower it became hotter and hotter. It was like that song, 'We went down, down, down and the flames got higher.' It was night and 102 degrees. It topped out at 112 degrees."

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

AFTB classes

What are Army Family Team Building (AFTB) classes. They are the greatest. AFTB was created to help train the families to be strong. The military gives privates the opportunity to train, grow in strength and earn rank. In short they become leaders as they move through the ranks. Now, finally they have a program specifically designed to give families the same opportunity. Soldiers can also take advantage to earn promotion points or RST a drill. Very cool. I have seen Soldiers, Spouses and teens all in the same class all benefitting from each others point of view. We have a unique opportunity to participate in AFTB classes that will be held at Hill AFB on August 25th. They will be held at 6:30 in the hill AFB family community support center.(Normally they are at Ft. Douglas) They will be held with families of the 146th. (Another unit of Deployed soldiers) In fact we both have 1st Sgt. Kirschmann's with our units. They are married to each other. It is very beneficial to associate with these outstanding individuals. The 146th is just a tiny bit ahead of us in their deployment and may be able to give us advice.
But back to AFTB. The training comes in 3 levels. Both Level one and two are available online. You learn so much from the online, but from having taken some both ways I can tell you that you truly benifit from the "live" experience. You can contact LuAnne Minning for more information or help registering. The online site can be found at:
The soldier above is Braden Peterson. He was pulled from the 854th in Logan and is now one of our bravest and brightest. Don't forget to send me your soldiers pic's too.

About Us

Welcome to the unofficial Blog for the 872nd maintenance company. Why are we unofficial? Because it is easier to get forgiveness than permission. HA! I am not a member of the official FRG (Family Readiness Group) presidency. (for lack of a better word) However I try to stay involved and update as much as possible. I have created this blog to try to get the word out to family members of the 872nd maintenance company what is going down. I will include pictures of soldiers each blog so send me yours. The soldier at left is mine. This is Chief Andrews. Isn't he HOT! Well, he will be come next week in Kuwait.