Thursday, July 28, 2005

FRG meeting

July's FRG meeting was held at the Roy Village Inn at 6:30 p.m. We discussed the T-shirts, Newsletters, and Operation Care Package. Here at right you see our FRG at a fundraising event. They are Stormy Smith, Megan Guntermann, Marty Clements, and Michelle Pohlman. Also pictured is Marti's daughter who has been an awesome volunteer.

T-shirts: The FRG will be selling T-shirts to all family members in support of troops. Cost is $10.00 or $11.00 for extra large sizes. The dates for this have changed to give people a chance to respond. So if you recieved your newsletter past the date of orders please go ahead and order any way. Please refer to your newsletter for further info.

Newsletters: Megan and Stormy assured us that they are working on the problem of getting the newsletters out earlier. They ran into some technical gliches that resulted in many getting their newletters late. Stormy said if any of you would like to forgo a hard copy of the newletter and recieve an E-mail form she would be happy to send it out to you that way. Please contact Stormy or Megan to make that change.

Operation Care Package: Orbit Irrigation under the directional skills of Michelle Robinson and Amy Yamasaki will be preparing care packages for the 872nd. They will be gathering items and on the 19th of August and then on the 20th they will open it up to the community. (That's Us.) They need us to bring in whatever items we can gather together to help and then they need us to help package the items and load them on the truck. The goal is to make 225 care packages for our soldiers. We need as many volunteers to participate for as much or as little time as you can give on the 20th between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. You can also donate cash to be used in shipping costs. If you wish to donate items but can't be present on the 20th. Please contact Megan, Stormy, or Michelle.

Care Package List:

Baby wipes
Shaving Cream (travel size)
Mouth wash (Travel size)
Deodorant (Travel size)
Eye drops
Chap stick
Sunblock (Travel size)
Dental Floss
Liquid hand sanitizer (Travel size)
Breathe Mints
Toothpaste (Travel size)
Bug Spray (Travel size)
Kool-Aid (pre-sweetened)
Hard candy
Beef jerky
Granola Bars