Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Christmas Ideas 101

How do you get through the holidays without your soldier?
Young children can send messages to the moon for delivery to Mom or Dad. Before going to bed, write a note to be left for the soldier on the window sill for the man in the moon to send to them. Children will be able to send daily messages this way. Let your soldier know so they can mention the messages from the man-in the-moon to reinforce the fun.
Build a ginger bread house to be placed in the frezzer until your soldier returns. Take a picture to send over now.
Walk a heart in the snow, take a picture of it from an upstairs window to send to your soldier.
Fill a stocking full of fun items for your soldier, send it in a decorated with marker box.
Write a Christmas story on the computer, adding to it nightly to send to your soldier to open on Christmas eve.
Take a trip to the dollar store for New Years Eve items to send for that night, keep duplicates for your celebration.
Double the fun—celebrate twice, once on his day, and once on yours.
Bake cookies and send them overseas—send extra's to share.
Shop after Christmas sales for your soldier, wrap and save for when he comes home on leave or even next year.
Visit a Veterans or retiree home. Visit an injured soldier in the hospital with small gifts or just to play cards.
Call a special friend to wish them Happy Holidays just as he/she would have.
Pick five special cards, send them for the soldier to send one back as your child's a special card for Christmas.


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